It’s never been easier to fast track your way to more web traffic, more leads and in time more sales thanks to Facebook, and more specifically thanks to a Facebook business page. In this blog post you’ll discover the little-known secrets that have been the secret weapon of some of the world’s most successful social media marketing campaigns.

The first step for using Facebook for business, is setting up a Facebook profile. Unfortunately, you can only create a Facebook business page if you own a Facebook profile.

Once you have set up a Facebook profile, go to “create a page” and make sure the name of your page includes keywords relevant to your page, such as “Social Media Worldwide” or “Webinar Mastery” for example. Choosing the right category for your page is also very important.

To find out how you can start generating consistent returns from your social media marketing efforts, watch this video now:

Once your business Facebook page has been created, the second step is customizing your page. A customized Facebook business page is important as it will ensure you get more likes. Customizing your business Facebook page includes uploading your profile picture. The profile picture could be a head shot of you, or your company logo. Ideally, the profile picture should be 250 x 250 pixels.

Then, create a Facebook banner, with the following dimensions: 851 x 315 pixels.

Your banner should include: your marketing hook/headline (for example “How To Eliminate Your Dog’s Embarrassing Misbehaviour In 3 Easy Steps”), your website url and pictures relevant to your niche.

Graphic designers able to create such banners can easily be found on

Once your Facebook business account has been set up and customized, it should look like this:


Once your business Facebook page looks like the one above, the third step is to get some fans.

To get Facebook likes, start by inviting your Facebook friends to become fans of your page. Simultaneously, send an email to all your contacts inviting them to check your page and become a fan. Although these people might not be your ideal target audience for your Facebook business account, it is important to get 25 likes as fast as possible to secure your vanity url.

A vanity url which looks like: instead of can only be secured once you have reached a minimum of 25 likes.

In addition, to get Facebook likes, start commenting on other people’s posts on business pages relevant to your niche. For example, if you are in the “dog training” niche, find other similar Facebook pages and start contributing to the conversation. This will draw attention to your Facebook business account in no time.

The fourth step is capturing your fan’s name and emails so you can then start monetizing your Facebook business page thanks to email marketing. Lead capture tabs can easily be created thanks to

The fifth and last step to ensure you’re using Facebook for business the most effective way is updating your page regularly. Treat your Facebook business account like a blog which needs regular content on a daily basis. The more you publish good and unique information every single day, the more likely your posts will be shared.

Remember, a successful social media campaign is one that goes viral.

Just to recap, here are the five steps to fast track your way to more web traffic, more leads and in time more sales thanks to Facebook:

Step 1: Create a page

Step 2: Customize a page

Step 3: Get fans

Step 4: Capture names and emails

Step 5: Update daily


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